Brexit & Simply Hammocks - We're ready!

The countdown is on for Brexit, as businesses hurry to second guess what they need to do to get prepared. But don't worry, we're well ahead of the curve!
At Simply Hammocks, we debated long and hard about the moves we could play to avoid any disruptions to our supply of hammocks this year. In the end, we decided to be bold and nervously placed an order with our manufacturers for a year's supply of hammocks at pre-Brexit pricing.
It was a huge risk, but we're confident that 2019 will be our biggest year to date and unless an ice age hits Britain, we have the nations hammocks demands covered!
We have just finished unloading the last container into our now very full warehouse, and are excited at the prospect of having fantastic availability across our expanding range. Cushdee!
A few of our hammocks will see marginal prices increases, to absorb higher costs from less prepared couriers across Europe. So be sure to get your hammock ordered now, as the increases will go live tomorrow at 5pm (8th March 2019).
Thank you all for your continued support which gave us the confidence to place this scary order!!!