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The world looks different from a hammock

Last summer the family and I spent a week on the Norfolk Broads. The Broads, as they are known, are a network of mostly navigable rivers and lakes in the English counties of Norfolk and Suffolk. Families rent boats and navigate the rivers and lakes for their summer holidays. It's idyllic.
One thing I realised during my week-long adventure was how different the world looks when you are meandering along a river without a care in the world. We saw tons of wildlife, enjoyed scenic views in areas inaccessible by foot and the steady pace seemed to help my senses soak in every last minute.
So what's my holiday got to do with hammocks?
Well when I lay in a hammock it takes me back to those glorious 7 days on the Norfolk Broads. I feel like the world has slowed down and I am offered a wonderful new view point of my environment.
Here a just a few of my favourites...